About Me


Its rather peaceful sat here at the computer late at night listening to Mary Chapin Carpenter. Three hours ago it was bedlam, Grandkids on all sorts of technology laughing and giggling, teasing and tormenting each other, with all the noise that comes with them.

Since they left there has been a quiet serenity about the place, I can almost liken it to the sound after a thunderstorm has passed.

So on with my post. How do you answer a question like who are you? which I suppose is the old fashioned way of saying about me.

Like most English people my age I don’t feel particularly comfortable talking about me, I think it come from my upbringing, My mother used to tell us its rather bigheaded to tell people about your qualities, you should let them discover who you are and make up there own minds.

So who am I?

I am what I would like to think of as a youthful baby boomer who lives with Ann my long suffering wife, we have a couple of grown up children and a couple of Grandkids keeping us busy trying to make life a little easier for them.

We have been together for 40 years and it seems like only yesterday when we got married.

I am by profession a media producer, that means I make films, Radio and TV documentaries which over the years has ensured we have kept a roof over our heads and been able to put food on the table.

I am by my own definition a humanist rather that a religious person, but I try to respect other peoples beliefs in the hope that they are compassionate enough to respect mine. I work with young people who keep me young in outlook and never cease to amaze me in what they can achieve with a little support and self belief.

My blog is a series of observations about the life of a Seventy year old greying bloke who still thinks that the world is like being an actor on Midsomer Murders, realising he is nearly at the end of the programme and hasn’t been murdered yet and may be in the next episode.

20 Replies to “About Me”

      1. Sometimes you have to dress the advice in more modern clothes but it will be the same and still up to date 🙂 Don’t hassle to pass them to your kids and grandkids. Maybe today they are annoyed but tomorrow they’ll understand and be grateful 🙂

      2. How very wise. I am sure I didn’t follow any of the advice I was given when I was that age. Even today my wife says I am a nightmare haha.

  1. We believe in the power using audiovisual materials to effect changes (particularly the motion pictures). However, we are just too sloppy in video editing as now to produce anything of professional quality. 😉

    1. It’s all about practice and patience. after that its all about budget. Production has got cheaper with the introduction of non linear editing but it is still expensive compared to traditional media production.

    1. Thanks for your kind words Kitt. Working in the industry I work in if you didn’t have a sense of humour you wouldn’t last two minutes. Thanks for the follow. Hope you are enjoying the course.

  2. Good to meet you, John. I’m over here from Edwina’s Episodes. It’s always a pleasure to connect with other British bloggers and I’m looking forward to reading your posts.
    Best wishes,

  3. Hello John

    My name is also John Eccles. My name is something of a fascination for me, as I come from West Kirby in Wirral and I am descended from a long line of John Eccleses who were fishermen in Hoylake, also in Wirral. It was the family tradition that the first born son was called John, using the name Jack as a nickname – when the child was young he would be called Jack.

    I have read a lot about my family history, and the history of Wirral, so I know that the John Eccles who started it all was actually born in 1777 in Ainsdale, Lancashire, so you never know we could be related somewhere along the line. He went to live in Hoylake for the good of his health. He had a bit of money so he started the whole family fishing business for his sons and their descendants. The fishing which went on in Hoylake largely died out at the end of the 1800s due to the development of trawlers I suppose, the boats they used to use were fishing smacks and couldn’t compete with the larger boats.

    Anyway I hope this message finds you well. I am based in London now and I come up to Wirral occasionally to visit friends, all family who come from there have died out now, or are living elsewhere.

    All the best to you and your wife,


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