Support me in my Ginuary Campaign

Here I am sat recording this on a new day in a New Year. It’s strange how the hype of New Year’s Eve and the rhetoric about new beginnings never cease to amaze me. A new year is just a continuation of the old one but with a new number. 

As a modern society, we place too much store in events that have no real significance whatsoever in everyday existence.

It’s a little bit like birthdays, now I have a birthday coming up and people keep asking how do I feel about that, my answer is I feel like I do now but a day older and it’s far better than the alternative!

So this year when lots of people are saying no to alcohol for a dry January, I will be making a different statement.

Here is my idea, what about GInuary, for everyone who buys me a Gin and tonic this month I will donate the same amount to help the homeless, now that’s a campaign!

All I can say I have made no resolutions, no promises I can’t keep but I will be trying to be a nicer person to some people who really don’t deserve it.

So Happy New Year and I hope it’s a good one try and look out for those less fortunate because Karma always favours the kind-hearted. 

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